Hello, my name is Jiang Li (李江). I’m a doctoral candidate in intelligence science and technology (AI), studying at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). My current research interests include affective computing (AC), multi-modal learning (MML), and graph-based learning (GL). If you are seeking any form of academic cooperation, please feel free to email me at lijfrank at hust.edu.cn.

I received my bachelor’s degree in software engineering in July 2018. After that, I pursued my master’s degree in computer technology, which I received in June 2021. During the master’s degree program, my research focused on machine learning, recommender systems, and graph neural networks. In the future, I hope to pursue scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence. I have published over 10 papers in academic journals or conferences.

Address: Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
South Building No.1, HUST, Luoyu Road 1037, Wuhan 430074, China
E-mail: lijfrank at hust.edu.cn

🔥 News


  • 2024.09, a more readable ranking list recommended by CAAI has been created.🌟🚀
  • 2024.08, my works have reached 100 citations on Google Scholar.🌟🚀
  • 2024.06, one project for technology innovation fund has been granted. 🎉
  • 2024.04, one paper has been accepted by TAFFC. 🎉
  • 2024.01, one paper has been accepted by KBS. 🎉


  • 2023.11, one paper has been accepted by EAAI. 🎉
  • 2023.11, one paper has been accepted by SCIS. 🎉
  • 2023.11, one paper has been accepted by CBS. 🎉
  • 2023.09, one paper has been accepted by CAC 2023. 🎉
  • 2023.09, one paper has been accepted by ICTAI 2023. 🎉
  • 2023.06, one paper has been accepted by Neurocomputing. 🎉
  • 2023.04, one paper has been accepted by CogSci 2023. 🎉
  • 2023.03, one paper has been accepted by TAFFC. 🎉
  • 2023.03, one paper has been accepted by TMM. 🎉

📰 Publications

† : Equal Contribution


GraphCFC: A directed graph based cross-modal feature complementation approach for multimodal conversational emotion recognition

Jiang Li, Xiaoping Wang, Guoqing Lv, Zhigang Zeng

GraphCFC effectively extracts contextual and interactive information multimodal converesation. By employing multiple subspace extractors and a pair-wise cross-modal complementary (PairCC) strategy, GraphCFC alleviates the heterogeneity gap in multimodal fusion and extracts diverse information from multimodal dialogue graphs. GAT-MLP mitigates the over-smoothing issue in GNNs and offers a new structure for multimodal learning. By representing conversations as multimodal directed graphs and encoding various types of edges extracted from these graphs, the GAT-MLP layer is capable of precisely selecting crucial contextual and interactive information.

Journal Papers

Conference Papers

🍚 Grants

Principal Investigator

  • 2024.08 - 2025.12, Research on Humanoid Emotion Recognition for Multimodal Conversation Scenarios (2024JYCXJJ067), Innovation Institute of HUST. [Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities]


  • 2020.01 - 2024.12, Memristor-based Humanoid Emotion Generation and Evolution and Its Application to Emotional Robotics (61936004), National Natural Science Foundation of China. [Key Program]
  • 2021.12 - 2026.11, Neuroplasticity-based Efficient Learning Mechanisms for Spiking Networks and Brain-inspired Intelligent System (2021ZD0201300), Ministry of Science and Technology of China. [Major Program of 2030 Science and Technology Innovation]
  • 2023.01 - 2027.12, Brain-inspired Devices and Biomimetic Memristor Circuits for Intelligent Perception of Visual, Auditory, Tactile, and Olfactory Senses (62236005), National Natural Science Foundation of China. [Key Program]
  • 2024.05 - 2025.12, Research on Brain-Inspired Perception-Decision-Control Algorithms for Autonomous Driving (2024JYCXJJ068), Innovation Institute of HUST. [Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities]
  • 2020.01 – 2023.12, Key Technology of Unmanned Aircraft-Boat Water-Air Collaboration and Its Application Demonstration in Sea Surface Patrol (U1913602), National Natural Science Foundation of China. [Joint Fund Project Integration Project]
  • 2019.01 - 2022.12, Memristive Neural Networks for Brain-Inspired Memory and Their Application to Associative Memory (61876209), National Natural Science Foundation of China. [General Program]

🌏 Experiences



  • 2024.07.19 - 2024.07.21, The Fourth Chinese Conference on Affective Computing (CCAC 2024, Poster), Nanchang, China.
  • 2023.11.17 - 2023.11.19, 2023 China Automation Congress (CAC 2023, Poster), Chongqing, China.
  • 2023.07.26 - 2023.07.29, The 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2023, Poster, Virtual), Sydney, Australia.


  • 2024.07.11 - 2024.07.14, The 18th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2024), Weihai, China.
  • 2023.12.15 - 2023.12.17, 2023 International Conference on Neuromorphic Computing (ICNC 2023), Wuhan, China.
  • 2023.10.02 - 2023.10.04, The 15th Frontier Forum on Control Science and Engineering, Wuhan, China.
  • 2023.04.19 - 2023.04.21, 2023 Songshan Lake Science Conferences (SLSC 2023), Dongguan, China.
  • 2022.08.05 - 2022.08.07, 2022 Artificial Intelligence Conference of China’s Optics Valley, Wuhan, China.
  • 2022.08.11 - 2022.08.13, 2021 China Automation Congress (CAC 2021), Kunming, China.
  • 2022.07.15 - 2022.07.17, The 14th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI 2022), Wuhan, China.
  • 2021.10.15 - 2021.10.17, The first International Conference on Neuromorphic Computing (ICNC 2021), Wuhan, China.


  • 2021.09 - Present, Doctoral Degree in Intelligence Science and Technology, School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China.
  • 2018.06 - 2021.06, Master’s Degree in Computer Technology, College of Computer Science, Chongqing University (CQU), Chongqing, China.
  • 2014.09 - 2018.06, Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering, School of Computer Science, Yangtze University (YU), Jingzhou, China.

🏆 Honors and Awards

  • Wuxi Huishan Taihu Scholarship
  • Goodix Scholarship (3 students in HUST)
  • Zhixing Scholarship
  • SCIYON Scholarship (Nominee)
  • Academic Scholarship
  • Merit Graduate Student
  • Active Participants in Extracurricular Activities
  • Outstanding Member of Communist Youth League

🧑‍💻 Services



  • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS).
  • IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM).
  • ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD).
  • International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI).
  • Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS).
  • Neurocomputing (NEUCOM).
  • Information Sciences (INS).
  • Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (EAAI).
  • Pattern Recognition Letter (PRL).


  • The 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2024).
  • 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2023).
  • 2023 China Automation Congress (CAC 2023).
  • The 43rd Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2023).
  • 2023 International Conference on Neuromorphic Computing (ICNC 2023).
  • 2022 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics (CIFEr 2022).
  • The 14th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI 2022).
  • The 4th International Conference on Innovation in Science Technology (ICIST 2022).
  • 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems (CBS 2022).

📦 Resources

Ranking Lists


Frank Lee